Category Archives: Everyday Science MCQs

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Table mountain is a flat topped mountain located in?

A. South Africa
B. Tanzania
C. Somalia
D. Nigeria

Which of the following is not an example of exhaustible resources of the earth available to man?

A. Coal
B. Natural gas
C. Petroleum
D. Water

Which one the following medical condition is caused by the high exposure of radiation?

A. Kidney Stone
C. Blood Pressure
D. Mutation

The second most abundant metal found in the Earth’s crust is?

A. Iron
B. Aluminum
C. Calcium
D. Sodium

1280 Kilometers are nearly equal to?

A. 1000 miles
B. 800 miles
C. 940 miles
D. None of these

How much blood does a normal person has in his body?

A. 5% of body weight
B. 7% of body weight
C. 10% of body weight
D. 20% of body weight

In the coordinate plane the vertical line is called?

A. X-axis
B. Y-axis
C. origin
D. None of these

Which of the following units is ozone layer thickness expressed in?

A. Joule
B. Metro
C. Dobson
D. Pound

Alongside a wall of 225 meters long, 26 trees are planted at equal distances, one tree being at each end of the yard. What is the distance between two consecutive trees?

A. 8m
B. 9m
C. 10m
D. 11m

which is the largest planet in the solar system?

A. Mercury
B. Jupiter
C. Venus
D. Mars