Category Archives: Everyday Science MCQs

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1Vitamins MCQsTake Quiz

The metal used to recover copper from a solution of copper sulphate is?

A. Na
B. Ag
C. Hg
D. Fe

If length 3 cubic Inch, width is 3 cubic inch height, 3 cubic inch than tell the volume?

A. 27 cubic Inches
B. 28 cubic inches
C. 30 cubic inches
D. None of these

To issue a thunderous verbal attack?

A. Languish
B. Animate
C. Fulminate
D. Invigorate

Glaucoma is caused by increase in pressure within?

A. Eye ball
B. Heart
C. Lungs
D. Kidneys

Thyroid gland is located in ________ of Human Body?

A. Stomach
B. Thorax
C. Leg
D. Neck

What organ produces bile?

A. Gall Bladeder
B. Kidneys
C. Liver
D. None of these

How man y chambers in a human heart

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

Sunlight in the source of?

A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin D

While the ladies continued their “small talk” in the drawing room, I felt bored?

A. light conversation
B. gossip
C. backbiting
D. whispering

Filament of an electric bulb is made of?

A. Tungsten
B. Graphite
C. Platinum
D. Steel