Category Archives: Currency

Baht is the currency of?

A. Thailand
B. Mogolia
C. Nepal
D. Bhuttan

What is the currency of Kuwait?

A. Dinar
B. Rial
C. Dollar
D. Pond

Euro is the currency of?

A. Norway
B. Denmark
C. Italy
D. Sweden

Currency of Bhutan is?

A. Rupee
B. Ngultrum
C. Riyat
D. Bhat

The currency of Nigeria is called?

A. Rand
B. Dollar
C. Naira
D. Pound

Mark the currency of Nigeria?

A. Ringgit
B. Naira
C. Rail
D. None of these

What is Ireland’s currency called?

A. Euro
B. Pound
C. Shilling
D. Irish Pence

The European Union launched its currency “Euro” Bank Notes & Coins as a Public currency on?

A. January 1, 1998
B. January 1, 2000
C. January 1, 2001
D. January 1, 2002