Category Archives: General Knowledge MCQs

Past Papers General Knowledge MCQs with Answer Keys for written test preparation of all competitive exams in Pakistan, specially PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PMS, NTS, UTS, FTS, OTS, Grammar, Linguistics, synonyms, antonyms, analogies, acronyms, articles from past papers


“Fidel Castro” was the leader of?

A. France
B. South Africa
C. Nigeria
D. Cuba

Which of the following countries is “double landlocked”?

A. Afghanistan
B. Kazakhstan
C. Tajikisitan
D. Uzbekistan

Who wrote the book “The Myth Of Independence”?

A. General Ayub Kahn
B. Nelson Mandela
C. Benazir Bhutto
D. Z.A Bhutto

Head of Senate is called ______?

A. President
B. Speaker
C. Chairman
D. Administrator

Albert Einstein was born in?

A. Oman
B. Germany
C. Iraq
D. Turkey

How many Emirates comprise the United Arab Emirates?

A. 8
B. 7
C. 6
D. 5

In 2002, Amnesty International succeeded in having an “Optional protocol” added to the child Human Rights Act in the Un. This protocol raised the age at which states can legally recruit children into the armed forces to 18. what was the legal age under it?

A. Thirteen
B. Sixteen
C. Fifteen
D. Fourteen

Mr. Antonio Guterres is serving as the Secretary General of United Nations. To Which country does he belong?

A. Italy
B. Spain
C. Poland
D. Portugal

Montagu – Chelmsford reforms introduced a system called?

A. Monarchy
B. Theocracy
C. Democracy
D. Diarchy

The task force established by Pakistan Navy to defend CPEC is called?

A. Task Force 75
B. Task Force 88
C. Task Force 90
D. Task Force 91