A is father of B but B is not A’s Son. What is relationship of B to A?

A. Son
B. Daughter
C. Cousin
D. Sister

What is the synonym of HAUGHTY?

A. Modest
B. Humble
C. Conceited
D. All of these

What is the synonym of PROFANE?

A. irreverence
B. sacred
C. sacred
D. All of those

Who among the following is the current governor of Baluchistan?

A. Muhammad Khan Achakzai
B. Aman Ullah Khan Yasinzai
C. Zulfiqar Magsi
D. Mir Jan Muhammad Khan Jamali

Nili Ravi is a breed of?

A. Camel
B. Buffalo
C. Sheep
D. Deer

Mohenjo Daro is called?

A. Mound of the dead
B. Mount of the dead
C. Heap of the dead
D. Legacy of the dead

Which type of cells protect body from infectious diseases and foreign invaders?

A. White Blood Cells
B. Red Blood Cells
C. Platelets
D. Stem cells

Which foreign among the following addressed the Parliament of Pakistan for the third time?

A. Mahathir Muhammad
B. Tayyip Erdogan
C. King Salman
D. Hassan Rouhani

Algeria got independent from France in?

A. 1961
B. 1956
C. 1962
D. 1965

Shafqat Amanat Ali belongs to which of the following musical families?

A. Patiala family
B. Senia family
C. Qawwal family
D. Talwandi family