Which of the Following River Flows in Canada_________?

A. Mackenzie River
B. Nelson River
C. Fraser River
D. All of the above

Study of Spiders is known as what _______?

A. Arachnologists
B. Serbology
C. Germology
D. None of the above

Why did the US withdraw from the United Nations Human Rights Council in June 2018?

A. USA believed there was a bias againt Israil
B. USA believed it was being blackmailed
C. Human Rights is not a priority for US at the time
D. Trump wanted to show USA is a “Courageous” nation

Which of the following is man-made substance?

A. Timber
B. Leather
C. Plastic
D. Natural Gas

How many senators are directly, elected from each province of Pakistan?

A. 24
B. 25
C. 23
D. 22

DPI stands for?

A. Dots Per Index
B. Divider Per Inch
C. Dots per inch
D. None of these

Which Mughal Emperor built the Badshahi Mosque?

A. Aurangzeb
B. Jahangir
C. Shah Jahan
D. Akbar

Who among the following chaired the annual meeting of All India Muslim League in 1907?

A. Salim Ullah
B. Viqar Ul Mulk
C. Adamjee Peerbhoy
D. Agha Khan

Which of the following was the old capital of Japan before Tokyo?

A. Osaka
B. Yokohama
C. Kyoto
D. Nagoya

Montreal is a city in?

A. Australia
B. Germany
C. Bulgaria
D. Canada