Benazir Bhutto first sworn in as Prime Minister of Pakistan on ?

A. 19 November 1989
B. 27 December 1988
C. 2 December 1988
D. 2 December 1989

The sum of age of 5 children born at the intervals of 3 years each is 50 years. what is the age of the youngest child?

A. 4 year
B. 8 year
C. 10 year
D. 12 years

Choose the correct meaning of the idiom “To plough the sand”

A. To make the desert bloom
B. To work in vain
C. To do a difficult work
D. To make the desert fertile

The Gibberellins?

A. Are responsible for phototropism and gravitropism
B. Are gases at room temperature
C. Are Produced only by fungi
D. Cause bolting in some biennial plants

Which is the smallest sea of the world?

A. Black Sea
B. Red Sea
C. Baltic Sea
D. South China Sea

Benazir Bhutto was born on ?

A. 21 June 1953
B. 27 December 1960
C. 22 June 1958
D. 21 July 1952

“He would have been prophet, if I were not the last one,” the Holly Prophet(PBUH) said this about?

A. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R A)
B. Hazrat Umar (R A)
C. Hazrat Usman (R A)
D. Hazrat ALi (R A)

______ is the largest dam of Pakistan?

A. Tarbela
B. Mangla
C. Warsak
D. Gomal Zam

Name the Minister of Education of Punjab?

A. Dr. Murad Rass
B. Khawaja Salman Rafique
C. Raja Ashfaq Sarwar
D. None of these