The “Theory of Population” was propounded by

A. John Calvin
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Tnomas Robert Malthus
D. Michael Faraday

The principal meri/merits of a Joint-stock company is that:

A. large capital can be raised
B. limitation of liability enables new risks to betaken
C. shares are transferable
D. all of them

The person who plays the role of co-ordinating and co-relating the factors of production is called:

A. Businessman
B. Investor
C. Entrepreneur
D. Capitalist

That part of a person’s wealth which is used in producing further wealth is called:

A. Capital
B. Investment
C. Equity
D. Money

The “Factors of Production” are:

A. land and labour
B. capital and organisation
C. all of them
D. none of them

The “Law of demand” is based upon:

A. Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
B. Law of Increasing Returns ·
C. Principle of Decreasing Income Level’
D. Formula of investment Viz a Viz profitability

“Giffen’s Paradox” explains the relationship between:

A. supply and demand
B. price and demand
C. supply and price
D. income and demand


A. a state of balance
B. an art of keeping the business profitable
C. dealing with two competitors simultaneously
D. maintaining relationship between investment and profit

Macro-economics is also called:

A. Income theory
B. Price theory
C. Business theory
D. Investment theory

Economics is basically:

A. a positive science
B. a normative science
C. both of them
D. none of them