Which Prophet could talk to the birds?

A. Hazrat lamil (AS)
B. Hazrat Yaqub (AS)
C. Hazrat Sulaiman (AS)
D. Hazrat Yusuf (AS)

In the Holy Quran there are two Surahs named after insects. One is Al-Nahl,name the other

A. Surah Al-Nam
B. Surah AI-Qadar
C. Surah AI-Falaq
D. Surah AI-Nas

‘Anemometer’ is used for measuring:

A. Wind speed
B. Electric current
C. Gas pressure
D. None of these

To which Sufi order did Mujadid Alf-Sani belong?

A. Suharwardi order
B. Naqshbandi order
C. Chishti order
D. None of these

To create table of columns and rows for statistical or mathematical calculations using spreadsheet, which software is used?

A. Excel
B. Word Pad
C. Word Perfect
D. Core! Draw

Which Prime Minister of Pakistan died while in office?

A. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
B. Chaudhry Muhammad Ali
C. Liaqat Ali Khan
D. Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto

Parachinar is the main city of which Tribal Agency?

A. Mohmand
B. North Waziristan
C. Kurram
D. Orakzai

Choose one word substitution of: “To wipe out”.

A. Eradicate
B. Exaggerate
C. Exonerate
D. Emigrate

In which country was the first Truth Reconciliation Commission established?

B. India
C. Brazil
D. South Africa

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 replacing the MDGs. What does MDGs stand for?

A. Millennium Development Goals
B. Multilateral Development Goals
C. Multisectoral Development Goals
D. Modest Development Goals