The process of removing unwanted part of an image is called

A. Hiding
B. Bordering
C. Cropping
D. Cutting

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The famous book Asar-ul-Sanadeed was written by:

A. Syed Ahmed Barelvi
B. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
C. Shah Waliullah
D. Sheikh Ahmed Sirhind

The Synonym of “Cordial” is:

A. Pleasant
B. Informal
C. Confronted
D. Frost

What is the default font used in MS Word Document -2007 and Later Versions ?

A. Times New Roman
B. Arial
C. Algerian
D. Calibri

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Baglihar Dam is located in Doda district of Indian Occupied Kashmir, on river? .

A. lndus River
B. Jhelum River
C. Chenab River
D. Ravi River

If 25 students took an examination and 4 of them failed. What percent of them passed?

A. 75%(
B. 80%
C. 84%
D 85%

Function in MS Excel Must Begin with ?

A. An () sign
B. An = Sign
C. A + Sign
D. A > Sign

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Communication between a computer and a keyboard involves ___ transmission ?

A. Full-duplex
B. Half-duplex
C. Simplex
D. None of these

Who was the First Katib e Wahi

A. Hazrat Ali (RA)
B. Hazrat sharjeel (RA)
C. Hazrat umar (RA)
D. Hazrat abu huraira(RA)

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