How many times, the word ‘Allah’, is repeated in the Holy Quran?

A. 2694
B. 2698
C. 2695
D. None of these

What was the age of Hazart Umer R.A when the embracced islam ?

A. 27 years
B. 28 years
C. 29 years
D. 32 years

The book of Hadith, Kitaab-ul-Aathaar, was compiled by ?

A. Imam Muhammad al-Shaybani (R.A)
B. Imam Shafi (R.A)
C. Imam Ahmad bin Hambal (R.A)
D. Imam Malik (R.A)

When did the lady named Zainab poisned Holy Prophet(PBUH) ?

A. Conquest of Makkah
B. Conquest of Khyber
C. Ghazw-e-Uhd
D. None of these

What is meaning of ‘ Man O Salwa ‘ in islam ?

A. House of Angels
B. Food of Heaven
C. Name of Rock
D. Door of Hell

Which Tawaf is Also known as the Farewell Tawaf?

A. Tawaf Al-Umrah
B. Tawaf Al-Wadaa
C. Tawaf Al-Ifada
D. Tawaf Al-Nafl

Hazrat zakirya was the contemporary of?

A. Hazrat Isa a.s
B. Hazrat Moosa a.s
C. hazrat Haroon
D. None

When did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) visit Ta’if?

A. 10th Nabvi
B. 9th Nabvi
C. 8th Nabvi
D. None of these