Iraqi general who brought about military revolution in Iraq by ousting kind Faisal on 14th July 1958 was ?.

A. Abdul Salam Arif
B. Aḥmad Ḥasan Bakr
C. Abdul Karim Qasim
D. Nuri al‑Said

When was the Glorious Revolution in England ?

A. 1688 – 1689
B. 1688 – 1691
C. 1688 – 1693
D. 1688 – 1695

Habsburg dynasty. Weimar republic, Third Reich belongs to ?

A. France
B. Germany
C. Italy
D. Spain

When was the Great Wall China built ?

A. 201 BC
B. 202 BC
C. 204 BC
D. 211 BC

In China the Cultural Revolution lasted from ?

A. 1961 to 1970
B. 1970 to 1976
C. 1966 to 1976
D. 1986 to 1989

People’s Republic of china gained its ‘Independence in 1949 under the leadership of

A. Chiang Kai‑shek
B. Deng Xiaoping
C. Zhou Enlai
D. Mao Zedong