Category Archives: MS Excel MCQs

The freezing row and column in Excel are in which pane?

A. Freezing row
B. Freezing column
C. Freezing pane
D. None of these

Which shortcut is used to calculate the range of cells in MS Excel?

A. Alt+
B. Ctrl++
C. Shift++
D. None of these

Program provides users with grid of rows and columns is classified as

A. spreadsheet
B. column grid
C. rows grid
D. reliability grid

Which type of software is MS Office?

A. Horizontal Market Software
B. Free ware
C. Deep curve
D. All Continue reading

Function in MS Excel Must Begin with ?

A. An () sign
B. An = Sign
C. A + Sign
D. A > Sign

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In MS Excel you can go from one cell to another cell by ?

A. Shift + G
B. Ctrl + G
C. Cell Address
D. All of These

Which of the followings the latest version of MS Excel?

A. Excel 2016
B. Excel 2017
C. Excel XP
D. Excel 2017

In MS Excel 2003, chart wizard term data categories refer to?

A. The data range that supple chart data
B. A horizontal axis
C. The organization of individual values with a chart’s data series
D. A chart plot area

To zoom an Excel worksheet, we can use?

A. The mouse pointer in Print Preview
B. The zoom button on the Print Preview toolbar
C. The zoom command on the view menu
D. All of these

To move between the worksheet in a workbook in MS Excel, we can use which of the following shortcut?

A. Alt + =
B. Ctrl + F9
C. Ctrl + Tab
D. Ctrl + Page Up