Category Archives: INSTRUCTOR (BS-17) in the Management and Professional Development Department

Which of the following is not a “quantitative tool” used by administrators for making better decisions?

A. Linear Programming
B. Probability Theory
C. Marginal analysis
D. None of them

“The selection of preferred course of action from two or more alternatives” is termed as:

A. Ascertainment
B. Evaluation
C. Creativity
D. Decision making

The most notable group method for stimulating creatiyity is/are:

A. Brainstorming
B. the Gordon technique
C. Synectics
D. All of them

A plan in reaction to, or taking into consideration, the action of others, is termed as:

A. Policy
B. Programme
C. Strategy
D. Planning

Non-programmed decisions are:

A. broad and unstructured
B. frequent and repetitive
C. both of them
D. none of them

Max Weber was a:

A. French philosopher
B. President of World Bank
C. German sociologist
D. Dutch economist

The persons with formal decision-making authority are termed as:

A. Entrepreneurs
B. Administrators
C. Leaders
D. Owners

The “Span of administration” defines the:

A. number of subordinates an administrator caneffectively direct
B. size of Admn. Wing of an organization
C. role, played by administration in achievement of goals
D. method of controlling various wings of a company

Importance of “division of work” was first time highlighted in

A. Machiavelli’s “Prince”
B. Thomas Hardy’s “Tess”
C. Plato’s “Republic”
D. Karl Marx’s “Das Capital”

Growth in the Gross National Product (GNP) is an:

A. Internal variable
B. External variable
C. Extra variable
D. none of them