Author Archives: Aban Cheema

The Capital of Srilanka is?

A. Colombo
B. Jaffna
C. Kandy
D. None of these

Who was the 16th President of US?

A. John F Kennedy
B. Henry Truman
C. Abraham Lincoln
D. None of these

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was established by an international treaty in ___

A. 1942
B. 1944
C. 1945
D. None of these

Rann of Kutch is a disputed area between ___

A. KPK- India
B. Sindh-India
C. Punjab-India
D. None of these

International Children’s Day is observed on ___

A. 14 February
B. 20 November
C. 18 December
D. None of these

What does IWMI stand for

A. International Water Management Institute
B. International Waste Management Institute
C. Irrigation Water Management Institute
D. None of these

Pakistan is located in which continent?

A. Europe
B. Asia
C. Australia
D. None of these

Khyber is a ___

A. Largest stadium
B. Famous building
C. Pass
D. None of these

T’akistan-China meets with which pass?

A. Khunjerab
B. Khyber
C. Tochi
D. None of these

Which resources are non-renewable

A. Geo thermal
B. Fossil fuels
C. Solar
D. None of these