Author Archives: Rana Amir Khan

Antonym of PRODIGAL is _____________?

A. Spendthrift
B. Squandering
C. Thrifty
D. Wanton

Antonym of FRIVOLOUS is _____________?

A. Trivial
B. Silly
C. Petty
D. Wise

Antonym of DUCTILE is _____________?

A. Docile
B. Pliable
C. Stiff
D. Supple

Antonym of DEVIANT is _____________?

A. Bent
B. Devious
C. Regular
D. Atypical

Antonym of DEXTEROUS is _____________?

A. Inexpert
B. Acute
C. Active
D. Able

Antonym of SARTORIAL is _____________?

A. Homespun
B. Cheerful
C. Inelegant
D. Sincere

Antonym of DOCILE is _____________?

A. Pliable
B. Pliant
C. Quiet
D. Unyielding

Antonym of RECONDITE is_____________?

A. Hermetic
B. Manifest
C. Pedantic
D. Occult