Author Archives: Rana Amir Khan

Antonym of GUMPTION is _____________?

A. Apathy
B. Nerve
C. Initiative
D. Sagacity

Antonym of ARTIFICIAL is ______________?

A. Red
B. Solid
C. Truthful
D. Natural

Antonym of EXPAND is _____________?

A. Congest
B. Conclude
C. Convert
D. Condense

Synonym of Decimate is _________?

A. Destroy
B. Promote
C. Disfigure
D. Dissipate

Synonym of rebate is ____________ ?

A. Gift
B. Charity
C. Commission
D. Discount

Synonym of Diffident is__________?

A. Upsetting
B. Shy
C. Responsible
D. Polite