Author Archives: Rana Amir Khan

Choose the most suitable word: An office or post with no work but high pay:

A. Honorary
B. Sinecure
C. Gratis
D. Ex-Officio

Choose the correct article: Wait for me by ____ school gate at 4 o clock.

A. An
B. A
C. The
D. Article is not required

What it the moaning of the Idiom/proverb “To be at loggerheads” ?

A. To cooperate with enemies
B. To be in strong disagreement or dispute
C. To face stiff opposition
D. To tax one’s mind and body

choose the correct meaning of idiom “The birds & the bees___ :

A. Depression and low spirits
B. Remain undecided & uncomplete
C. Do favors for getting favors
D. Basic information about se*ual behaviour in humans

He said to me, “I expect you to attend the function.”

A. He told me that he had expected me to attend the function.
B. He told me that he expected me to attended the function.
C. He told me that he expected me to have attended the function.
D. He told me that he expected me to attend the function.