Author Archives: Rana Amir Khan

Bengal was divided into two parts. In which part the Muslims were in majority?

A. Western Bengal
B. Eastern Bengal
C. North Western Bengal
D. None of these

Lord  issued an order of diving the province of bengal into two parts in July 20, 1905.

A. Lord lytton
B. Lord Curzon
C. Lord Hastings
D. Lord Wallington

Hindus started Swedishi Movement in 7 August 1905, the Movement was started against?

A. Muslims
B. British
C. Both of these
D. None of these

Which Hindu leader started a movement against the partition of Bengal ?

A. Surindar Nath Beneijee
B. Raja Ram Mohn Ray
C. Dayananda Saraswati
D. None of these

Name the city which was the central point of agitation against the partition of bengal?

A. Calcutta
B. Hyderabad
C. Lahore
D. Dhaka

Urdu Defence Association was founded In August 1900 In  City ?

A. Delhi
B. Karachi
C. Luckhnow
D. Calcutta

When Captain William Hawkins Visited the Mughal Court of Jahangir?

A. 1606William hawkins
B. 1607
C. 1609
D. None of these

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Which famous Mughal King was also a famous Urdu Poet?

A. Akbar Shah
B. Bahadur Shah Zafar
C. Shah Alam
D. Alamgir


In which century the British began to come in the Indian Subcontinent?

A. 15th century
B. 16th century
C. 17th century
D. None of these