Author Archives: Rana Amir Khan

The world’s longest glacial system outside the polar regions (the Biafo Glacier) is located in?

A. America
B. Canada
C. Iceland
D. Pakistan

industry is the backbone industry of Pakistan?

A. Agricultural industry
B. Petroleum industry
C. Mining Industry
D. None of these

Ghulam Muhammad Barrage is also called ?

A. Indus Barrage
B. Kandyaro Barrage
C. Kotri Barrage
D. None of them

Under the 1973 Constituent of the statesman who was sworn In as President of Pakistan?

A. Z.a Bhutto
B. Ghulam Ishaq Khan
C. Fazal Elahi
D. None of these


Which is the 5th most populated country of the world?

A. India
B. Pakistan
C. Brazil
D. None of them

Which is the largest Thermal Power station in Pakistan?

A. Lakhra Tharmal Power Station
B. Guddu Thermal Power Station
C. Jamshoro Thermal Power Station
D. Muzafarghar Power Station

During the war of independence 1857 Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was working in ?

A. Bijnaur
B. Meerut
C. Ghaziabad
D. None of these