Author Archives: Rana Amir Khan

According to which Act, the title of viceroy was to be dropped ?

A. Act of Partition of 1947
B. Act of 1919
C. Act of 1935
D. None of these


Supreme Judicial Council shall consist of ?

A. Chief Justice of Pakistan
B. Two next most Senior judges of the supreme court
C. Two most Senior Chief Justices of High Court
D. All of above

Where is Pakistan’s first ‘Greenfield International Airport’ located ?

A. Peshawar
B. Lahore
C. Islamabad
D: Karachi

Who is the Current Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC), Pakistan?

A. General Rashad Mahmood
B. General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani
C. General Zubair Hayat
D. General Nadeem Raza

Manghopir named after ?

A. Sufi Pir Haji Syed Mohammad Sultan
B. Sufi Pir Haji Syed Ahmed Sultan
C. Sufi Pir Haji Syed Qutub Sultan
D. Sufi Pir Haji Syed Sakhi Sultan

Who is the National Artist of Pakistan?

A. Sadequain Naqqash
B. Abdul Rehman Chughtai
C. Abdul Rahim Nagori
D. Lubna Agha

International Children’s Day is observed on ?

A. 20 February
B. 1st June
C. 1st March
D. 20 November

Through which constitutional amendment, Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) were merged with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa?

A. 22nd
B. 23rd
C. 24th
D. 25th

Pakistan’s first LNG terminal is located at ?

A. Karachi Port
B. Port Qasim
C. Gwadar Port
D. Keti Bandar

Largest District of AJk by area is ?

A. Poonch District
B. Muzaffarabad District
C. Neelum District
D. None of these