Author Archives: Rana Amir Khan

How many members were in the Committee of Basic Principles?

A. 20
B. 22
C. 24
D. 26

How many Ulma from different shades of union participated a convention that gave 22 Points in 1951?

A. 11
B. 21
C. 31
D. 41

Which of the following only country did not pull out from SAARC 19th Conference scheduled in November 2016 in Islamabad (Pak)?

A. Srilanka
B. Bangladesh
C. Nepal
D. Maldives

Who gave suggestion for formation of SAARC?

A. Shaikh Mujeeb ur Rehman
B. Ziaur Rehman
C. Colonel Al-Gaddafi
D. Gen Zia ul Haq

Who is considered the first poet of Pashto Language?

A. Khushal Khan Khatak
B. Ameer Kror
C. Rahman Baba
D. None of these

On which river the Mirani dam was constructed?

A. Gomal River
B. Dashat River
C. Kabul River
D. Indus River

The book ” Pakistan: the Formative Phase” was written by ?

A. K. K. Aziz
B. Khalid Bin Saeed
C. Aitzaz Ahsan
D. Syed Ameer Ali