Author Archives: Rana Amir Khan

The range of enhanced version of Babur cruise missile is ?

A. 800 km
B. 450 km
C. 1500 km
D. 700 km

Which one is the Largest Canal in Pakistan?

A. Rohri Canal
B. Nara Canal
C. Kirthar Canal
D. Dadu Canal

Ibrahim Lodi was defeated by ________in the First Battle of Panipat in 1526 ?

A. Akbar
B. Babar
C. Jhangir
D. Iltumish


Which is second most beautiful Capital in the World?

A. Paris
B. London
C. Bankok
D. Islamabad


Who led the military conquest of Sindh and conquered whole Sindh in 1843?

A. Sir Richard Keith Pringle
B. Sir Henry Hardinge
C. Sir Charles James Napier
D. None of these