Author Archives: Rana Amir Khan

What was the main difficulty which delayed the constitution making in Pakistan ?

A. Exact nature of the State
B. Lack of interest among members of the Constituent Assembly
C. The distribution of powers between Federal and Provincial Governments
D. Corrupt administration

Who had the shortest tenure as Governor – General of Pakistan ?

A. Iskendar Mirza
B. Ghulam Muhammad
C. Muhammad Ali Jinnah
d. Kh. Nazimmuddin

India recognized the provisional Government of Bangladesh on ?

A. 16 Dec 1971
B. 17 Dec 1971
C. 18 Dec 1971
D. 19 Dec 1971

The concept of acting in aid of civil power by the armed forces has been laid down in the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 ?

A. Article 245
B. Article 270
C. Article 243
D. Article 200

An agreement for cooperation was sighed during Turkish President Kennan Everno`s visit to Pakistan in Feb 1980 in the field of ?

A. Defense production
B. Tourism
C. Research and Development
D. Shipping

“Qissa Sohni Mahinwal” was written by ?

A. Hafiz Barkhurdar
B. Hashim Shah
C. Fazal Shah
D. Waris Shah


The interim Government was formed in 1946. Who was the Prime Minister ?

A. Pandit Nehru
B. F.M. Lord Wavel
C. Liaquat Ali Khan
D. None of the above


At the NAM Summit in Durban (1998), which issue was discussed concerning Pakistan ?

A. Palestine Problem
B. Environment Pollution
C. Kashmir Problem
D. Repayment of Loans

The institution of Mohtasib was established by ?

A. Constitution of 1973
B. Presidential Order 1983
C. Article 276 of the !962 Constitution
D. All of the above

Quaid-e-Azam sent 600 hundred soldiers to a Muslim country to fight for her freedom. Many of those Soldiers laid their lives while fighting. That country preserved the tales of the bravery of those soldiers in a book titled “The Six Hundred Brave Pakistani Soldiers”. They fought for ?

A. Palestine
B. Indonesia
C. Egypt
D. Morocco