Author Archives: Rana Amir Khan

About the end of 2nd century B.C some unusual upheavals in the Central Asia let loose series of human floods that brought about after-wave of invasions into Indo-Pak Sub-continent, First invasion was made by ?

A. The kushanas
b. The Sakas
c. The Bacirians
D. The Parthians


The elections should be held on the basis of general adult franchise. This demand was made in ?

A. Minto – Morley Reforms, 1909
B. Lucknow pact
C. Cripps Mission
D. Gandhi – Irwin Pact


“The future form of Government would be federal to be joined by provinces and Indian states.” This principle was settled in ?

A. Nehru Report
B. 1st Round Table Conference
C. Simon Report
D. Minto – Morley Reforms, 1909

In which A.D, Subuktigin, a Turkish slave became the master of Ghazni ?

A. 965
B. 873
C. 977
D. 882

The name of the fourth Kalimah is ?

A. Kalimah Shahadat
B. Kalimah Istighfar
C. Kalimah Tauheed
D. Kalimah Tayyabah

Which country became the first associate CERN member from Asia on 19th December 2014 ?

A. Pakistan
B. China
C. Japan
D. India

What is the meaning of Zarb-e-Azb?

A. Long Strike & Swift
B. Swift & Sharp Strike
C. Fast Strike & Sharp
D. Sharp & Cutting Strike

When was the local government system under the devolution of power plan, 2001, inaugurated ?

A. Aug 4, 2001
B. Aug 14, 2001
C. Aug 24, 2001
D. None of these