Author Archives: Rana Amir Khan

When was the 17th amendment bill ratified by the President, after getting passed by both houses of Majlis-e-Shura ?

A. Dec29,2003
B. Dec30,2003
C. Dec31,2003
D. None of these

When Abu ala Maududi was awarded death punishment by military court on” Qadiani issue” ?

A. March 1953
B. April 1953
C. May 1953
D. None of these


Who negotiated with cabinet mission (1946) on behalf of All India National Congress ?

A. Ghandi
B. Nehru
C. A.K.Azad
D. None of these

Who initiated the cult of Shivaji against the Muslims of India ?

A. Bal Ganga dher tilak
B. Bennerji
C. Pandit madan mohan
D. None of these


Who called the”spiritual guide”as shopkeepers ?

A. Shaikh Ahmed Sirhindi
B. Shah Waliullah
C. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
D. None of these

hen was the state of Swat included in Pakistan ?

A. 4th April 1969
B. 28th July 1969
C. 29th June 1970
D. None of these

What percentage of total polled votes in East Pakistan was secured by Awami League in 1970 elections ?

A. 70
B. 75
C. 80
D. 82

Which Radio Station already existed at the time of creation of Pakistan ?

A. Peshawar
B. Karachi
C. Quetta
D. None of these

Which provincial Chief Minister was dismissed on the issue of One Unit ?

A. Chief Minister NWFP
B. Chief Minister Sindh
C. Chief Minister Punjab
D. Chief Minister Baluchistan

How many Muslim seats were secured by All India Muslim League in 1945-46 Election of Provincial assemblies ?

A. 396
B. 425
C. 441
D. None of these