Author Archives: Rana Amir Khan

Who was the first leader of opposition in the first National Assembly constituted under the 1962 constitution of Pakistan ?

A. Sardar Bahadur Khan
B. Khan. A sabur
C. Mumtaz Daultana
D. None of these

The All-Indian Muslim League observed ‘Day of Deliverance’ after the resignation of the All-India Congress Minsters. On what date was it observed ?

A. 22 October 1938
B. 22 December 1938
C. 22 October 1939
D. 22 December 1939

Which Muslim leader left the politics after the cancellation of the partition of Bengal ?

A. Nawab Saleemullah Khan
B. Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk
C. Nawab Hamidullah Khan
D. None of these


Which organization is considered the first Muslim political body continued to represent the Muslims of the subcontinent as a whole ?

A. Anjuman-e-Mussalmanan-e-Hind
B. Central National Mohammadan Association
C. Urdu Defense Association
D. None of these

In 1867, some prominent Hindus of Banares Launched a movement for the replacement of Urdu written in Nasta’leeq by Hindi written in Deva Nagiri script as the Court language. In which province(s) was this movement started ?

A. Bengal Province
B. Central Provinces
C. North-western Provinces
D. None of these


Sir Syed Ahmed Khan established a Translation Society (later, renamed as ‘Scientific society’) in 1864. In which town was it founded ?

A. Bijnaur
B. Aligarh
C. Ghazipur
D. None of these


Where, during the War of Independence, was Sir Syed Ahmed Khan working/ posted ?

A. Delhi
B. Bijnaur
C. Aligarh
D. None of these

By how many member(s) the Executive Council of the Governor General was enlarged under the Indian Council Act of 1861 ?

A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. six


Faraizi Movements was primarily a religious movement. Dudhu Mian transferred it to Movement?

A. Political
B. Educational
C. Guerrilla
D. Cultural


When the Shimla conference under the presidentship of Lord Wavell was ended ?

A. June 14, 1945
B. July 14, 1945
C. August 14, 1945
D. None of these