Author Archives: Rana Amir Khan

In summer season polo tournaments are held in ?

A. Gilgit Baltistan
B. Sindh
C. Punjab
D. None of them




Which Pakistani area is sandwiched between China and Indian-held Kashmir?

A. Astor
B. Baltistan
C. Chitral
D. Kalash



Which valley is known as “Roof of the world”?

A. Chitral
B. Chilas
C. Skardu
D. Baltistan



Who is the first Chief Minister of Gilgit Balitistan?

A. Syed Mehdi Shah
B. Qamar-u-Zaman Kaira
C. Wazir Baig
D. Pir Karam Shah



Who was the first Women Governor of Gilgit Balitistan?

A. Begum Shama Khalid
B. Qamar-u-Zaman Kaira
C. Wazir Baig
D. Pir Karam Shah



Who was the first Governor of Gilgit Balitistan?

A. Begum Shamma Khalid
B. Qamar-u-Zaman Kaira
C. Wazir Baig
D. Pir Karam Shah
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Second Highest mountain of the world K-2 is located in ?

A. Gilgit Baltistan
D. Kashmir