Author Archives: Rana Amir Khan

The Hindu kush range starts at the ?

A. China Border
B. Pamir Platean
C. Afghan border
D. Karakoram

Which is the highest peak of the Koh-e-Sufaid Range ?

A. Sakasar
B. Skaram
C. Broad Peak
D. Nanga Parbat

“The place where heaven and earth meet” these words are said about which place ?

A. Chitral
B. Kalash
C. Punial
D. Swat



What is the Total Height of K-2 Peak ?

A. 8210 meter
B. 8410 meter
C. 8611 meter
D. 8511 meter


Which of the following mountain peaks is called Killer Mountain ?

A. Nanga Parbat
B. Godwin Austin
C. Broad Peak
D. Raka Poshi



The height of Himalaya range increases as it moves from ?

A. South to North
B. East to West
C. North to South
D. West to East



The Salt range is situated between rivers soan and ?

A. Chenab
B. Jhelum
C. Kabul
D. Huro




What is the Height of Tirichmir peak ?

A. 7708 meters
B. 7350 meters
C. 7870 meters
D. 7140 meters






Identify the second highest Glacier of the world ?

A. Baltora Glacier
B. Batura Glacier
C. Siachin Glacier
D. None of them






What is the height of Siachin Glacier ?

A. 20,000 feet
B. 23,000 feet
C. 25,000 feet
D. 27,000 feet