Author Archives: Rana Amir Khan

K-2 is present in which mountains range ?

A. Pamir
B. Hindu kush
C. Karakoram
D. Himalayas



Which is the youngest mountain range on the earth ?

A. Hindu kush
B. Korakoram
C. Himalayas
D. Alps



Which is highest peak of the World ?

A. Mount Everest
B. K.2
C. Nanga Perbat
D. None of these



Which is the Highest peak of Pakistan ?

A. Broad Peak
B. Sia kingri Peak
C. K-2
D. Kilik Peak



Oldest mountains of the world are present in india and youngest mountain of the world are present in ?

A. Pakistan
B. China
C. India
D. Burma



World Inventor’s Day is celebrated on ?

A. 9th November
B. 8th April
C. 31st April
D. 23rd April




World Tuberculosis Day is observed on ?

A. 21st March
B. 24th March
C. 26th March
D. 25th March




On which date is Death Anniversary of Quaid e Azam observed ?

A. 9th November
B. 11th September
C. 21st March
D. 11th October