Author Archives: Rana Amir Khan

Pakistan Air Force Day is celebrated on ?

A. 21st February
B. 8th March
C. 21st March
D. 7th September



The Largest Coal Reservoir are found in ?

A. Thal
B. Karachi
C. Thar
D. Thatta



The shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi is located in ?

A. Nawab Shah
B. Karachi
C. Hala
D. Thatta


Which city is on the border of Sindh and Punjab Provinces ?

A. Rajanpur
B. Mithan Kot
C. Kashmore
D. None of them


Which city of the Sindh is popular for woodwork industry ?

A. Thattha
B. Kotri
C. Hala
D. Larkana


The hottest place in Pakistan is ?

A. Bahawalpur
B. Multan
C. Turbat
D. None of them



Moenjodaro is located at the west bank of the Indus in the ?

A. Upper Sindh
B. Lower Sindh
C. Central Sindh
D. Southern Sindh