Author Archives: Rana Amir Khan

Lari language is spoken in ?

A. Upper Sindh
B. Lower Sindh
C. Central Sindh
D. Sindh & punjab


Mohenjodaro is most famous town of the Indus civilization, located on the?

A. Right Bank of Indus River
B. Left Bank of Indus River
C. West of Indus River
D. None of them



Archaeologists have identified some 400 Indus civilization towns, scattered from ?

A. Kabul to Delhi
B. Kabul to Lahore
C. Peshawar to Delhi
D. Kandhar to Delhi

The Indus River falls into the ?

A. Arabian Sea
B. Cape Monze
C. Makran Coast
D. None of them






Kirthar Hills are located in ?

A. Sindh
B. Gilgit Baltistan
C. Panjab







How many divisions are there in Sindh ?

A. 9
B. 4
C. 7
D. 3

Tarbela dam is situated in ?

A. Kashmir
D. Gilgit Baltistan

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