Author Archives: Rana Amir Khan

Kaghan valley is called ?

A. Diamond of the Himalaya
B. Pearl of the Himalaya
C. Heart of the Himalaya
D. None of them

Which mountain range separates Pakistan and Afghanistan ?

A. Karakoram range
B. Pamirs Range
C. The Hindu Kush
D. Kirthar Range

Kalam and Behrin are important tourist points of ?

A. Chitral valley
B. Hunza Valley
C. Kalam Valley
D. Swat Valley

Bala Hisar Fort is located in ?

A. Peshawar
B. Swat
C. Mardan
D. Dir

Chowk Yadgar Peshawar commemorates the heroes of the ?

A. Kashmir War
B. 1965 Indo-Pakistan War
C. 1971 War
D. None of them

Who was first Muslim Governor of KPK after Independence of Pakistan?

A. Sahibzada Muhammad Khursheed
B. Sahibzada Abdul Qayum Khan
C. Arbab Sikandar Khan Khalil
D. None of them