Author Archives: Rana Amir Khan

Baktar Shikan missile system is __________ ?

A. Air to surface
B. Anti aircraft
C. Anti tank guided
D. Anti tank

Pakistan tested its nuclear device on __________ ?

A. 28th May 1998
B. 26th May 1997
C. 28th June 1999
D. 27th July 1997

The highest non-operational Military Award is _________ ?

A. Tamgha-e-Basalat
B. Tamgha-e-Imtiaz
C. Tamgha-e-Khidmat
D. Sitara-e-Basalat

The highest official rank of Air Force is ___________ ?

A. Air Marshal
B. Supreme Marshal
C. Air Chief Marshal
D. Chief of Air Force

The headquarters of Air Force is located in _________ ?

A. Islamabad
B. Rawalpindi
C. Peshawar
D. Karachi

Defense day is observed on ___________ ?

A. 6th September
B. 11th September
C. 7th September
D. None of them

Zafar Ahmed Chaudhry was the first Chief of Air Staff of _______ ?

A. Pak Army
B. Air Force
C. Navy
D. None of them

The first Chief of Staff of Pak Army was ________ ?

A. General Takka Khan
B. General Ziaul Haq
C. General Sharif
D. General Ayub Khan

Paery Cane was the first C-in-C of ___________?

A. Pakistan Air Force
B. Armed Forces
C. Navy
D. None of them

Frank Meseri was the first C-in-C of ________ ?

A. Pak Army
B. Air Force
C. Navy
D. None of them