Author Archives: Rana Tahir

Rafael Nadal, is a famous player of which sport?

A. Table Tennis
B. Lawn Tennis
C. Football
D. Rugby

Durand Line a single page agreement was signed in?

A. 1890
B. 1891
C. 1892
D. 1893

The cost price of 20 articles is the same as the selling price of X article. If the profit is 25% then the value of X is?

A. 15
B. 16
C. 18
D. 25

Which country and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) signed an agreement to help strengthen Pakistan’s electoral process?

A. Japan
B. China
C. America
D. U.K

“We the people of United Nations”, this line is written in the preamble of?

A. Charter of the WHO
B. Charter of the United Nations
C. Charter of the World Bank
D. Charter of the UNICEF

Which instrument used to measure height of aircraft above ground?

A. Altimeter
B. Hydrometer
C. Tachometer
D. Altitude Meter

Fill in the blank with suitable word: Don’t change _____ in midstream?

A. players
B. Members
C. Horses
D. Trophies

Which country become the first country launched radio telescope satellite into space?

A. Russia
C. Vietnam
D. Japan

Which country has become the world’s first to successfully complete human trials of its COVID-19 vaccine?

A. China
B. Russia

Name of the world’s first human to visit both space and the deepest point?

A. Yuri Gagarin
B. Kathy Sullivan
C. Salma Nazir
D. All of these