Category Archives: Everyday Science MCQs

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1Vitamins MCQsTake Quiz

Trachea disease concerns?

A. Throat
B. Brain
C. Nose
D. Ear

Heartbeat of a baby starts?

A. Before the birth
B. After the birth
C. Starts after a minute
D. None of these

Which acid is produced in Gastric juice of Gall bladder?

A. Nitric Acid
B. Hydrochloric Acid
C. Sulphuric Acid
D. None of these

International Day against Nuclear Test is observed on?

A. 29 August
B. 29 April
C. 29 May
D. 29 March

_____ describes the rocky parts of the earth’s crust and its historic development?

A. Demography
B. Geography
C. Geology
D. Morphology

Carbon Dioxide was discovered by?

A. Joseph Black
B. Nicolaus Copernicus
C. Marie Curie
D. None of these

Which vitamin is gained from sunlight?

A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin C
C. Vitamin D
D. Vitamin K

What is widow tears?

A. Plant
B. Hill
C. Flower
D. Bird

ANSA is the news agency of?

A. Spain
B. Italy
C. Afghanistan
D. Germany

Isotopes can be separated by?

A. Condensation
B. Evaporation
C. Distillation
D. None of these