Category Archives: Everyday Science MCQs

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Physiotherapy is a curative method of?

A. Heart Disease
B. Immobility of Joints
C. Cirrhosis of the liver
D. Drug addiction

What is the meaning of “Ex-post facto”?

A. A comfortable thing as fact
B. With retrospective action force
C. A suitable environment to work
D. An Unwelcome guest

What is called the reduction in the rate of currency?

A. Devolution
B. Devaluation
C. Price cap
D. Cut-rate

Alma mater means?

A. House
B. College
C. Hospital
D. Parliament

Butterfly stroke in?

A. Swimming
B. Metamorphosis
C. Sleeping
D. None of these

Adult human beings have bones?

A. 206
B. 250
C. 306
D. 356

Most abundant element in the atmosphere?

A. Nitrogen
B. Oxygen
C. Carbon Dioxide
D. Silicon

Which blood cells are also called ‘leukocytes’ fight against?

A. Height
B. Disease
C. Age
D. None of these

Boiling point of water is?

A. 400°C
B. 100°C
C. 212 °F
D. B & C

The approximate Circumference of Earth at the equator is?

A. 40075 km
B. 50075 km
C. 60075 km
D. 70075 km