Category Archives: Everyday Science MCQs

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“Wealth of Nations” was written by ?

A. Adam Smith
B. Karl Max
C. Max Weber
D. Shakespeare

Identify the most benified sector of Pakistan because of GPS-plus (duty free access to european countries)

A. Sports goods
B. Leather products
C. Textile and garments
D. Surgical instruments

The United Nation General Assembly has declared the decade 2020-30 as?

A. The decade on ecosystem restoration
B. The decade for the rehabilitation of refugees
C. The decade for peace and stability
D. The decade for environmental change

In general, Comets have orbits

A. Elliptical
B. Highly elliptical
C. Circular
D. Parabolic

The planet that moves round the Sun at the highest speed is?

A. Jupiter
B. Venus
C. Mars
D. Mercury

In a very low temperature which from the following will freeze at last?

A. River water
B. Canal water
C. Sea water
D. Water in a lake

During winter in cold countries, the is mixed to melt the ice on the icy roads.

A. Salt
B. Chlorine
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Water