Category Archives: Capital

Name the capital of Austria?

A. Cape Town
B. Vienna
C. Baku
D. Canberra

What is the capital of Albania?

A. Mogadhishu
B. Baku
C. Ottawa
D. Tirana

Which one is the capital city of Canada?

A. Ottawa
B. Toronto
C. Regina
D. Vancouver

Which one is the capital city of Canada?

A. Ottawa
B. Toronto
C. Regina
D. Vancouver

Bern is the capital of?

A. Sweden
B. Switzerland
C. Ireland
D. None of Land

Dublin is the capital of?

A. Switzerland
B. Ireland
C. Swariland
D. Finland

The Capital city of China is?

A. Shanghai
B. Shenzhen
C. Tianjin
D. Beijing

Ankara is the Capital of?

A. Greece
B. Egypt
C. Cyprus
D. Turkey

Capital of Cuba?

A. Havana
B. Ottawa
C. Sydney
D. Paris

Which was the capital of west Germany?

A. Luanda
B. Tirana
C. Bonn
D. Buenos Aries