Category Archives: General Knowledge MCQs

Past Papers General Knowledge MCQs with Answer Keys for written test preparation of all competitive exams in Pakistan, specially PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PMS, NTS, UTS, FTS, OTS, Grammar, Linguistics, synonyms, antonyms, analogies, acronyms, articles from past papers


Kremlin is the headquarters of the government of:

A. Belarus
B. Poland
C. China
D. Russia

How many yellow stars are there on the Chinese flag?

A. Seven
B. Five
C. Eight
D. Six

Which country has the highest number of glaciers outside of the Arctic region?

A. Mongolia
B. Norway
C. Afghanistan
D. Pakistan

Who will be the next Secretary General of United Nations?

A. Antonio Gutierrez
B. Mario Soares
C. Nicholas Sarkozy
D. Jeremy Corbin

The first lady Prime Minister of Britain was:

A. Dame Judi Dench
B. Lady Diana
C. Margaret Thatcher
D. Theresa May

Republic of Djibouti is located along which Sea?

A. Black Sea
B. Mediterranean Sea
C. Red Sea
D. Caspian Sea

What is an Isthmus?

A. Inland sea
B. A large lagoon
C. Narrow strip of land connecting two land masses
D. Land formed at the mouth of river

India-Pakistan Treaty for lndus Waters was signed in:

A. 1960
B. 1958
C. 1969
D. 1949

Ms. Arfa Kareem is famous in the field of:

A. Swimming
B. Computer prodigy
C. Hockey
D. Healthcare

The last Census of Pakistan was held in:

A. 2001
B. 1999
C. 1989
D. 1998