Category Archives: General Knowledge MCQs

Past Papers General Knowledge MCQs with Answer Keys for written test preparation of all competitive exams in Pakistan, specially PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PMS, NTS, UTS, FTS, OTS, Grammar, Linguistics, synonyms, antonyms, analogies, acronyms, articles from past papers


Which among the following three economic growth indicators?

A. Consumption, Investment Serving
B. Capital Industry Agriculture
C. Investment saving capital
D. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) Gross domestic product (GDP) Unemployment figures.

Which among the following is called pink city?

A. Hyderabad
B. Multan
C. Jaipur
D. Ali Garh

Where does the United Nations Commission on Human rights meet and for how long?

A. Berne for 3 weeks
B. In Geneva for six weeks
C. In London for 4 weeks
D. None of these

Which of the following is not a member of UNO?

A. Palestine
B. Vatican City
C. Kenya
D. Both a & b

What was the name of mother of Allama of Iqbal?

A. Abdi Bano
B. Bano Begum
C. Imam Bibi
D. None of these

Former secretary general Kofi Anan of United Nations belongs to which country?

A. Uganda
B. China
C. Egypt
D. None of these

What is the designation of Antonio Guetress in UN ?

A. Secretary General of UN
B. Head of UN
C. President of UN
D. None of these

Qutb-ud-Aibek died in 1210 was while playing?

A. Hockey
B. Polo
C. Kabadi
D. None of these

Who was the first to invent Airplane?

A. Aero Brothers
B. wright Brothers
C. William Brothers
D. None of these

Brojen Das was a …. swimmer, who was the first Asian to swim across the English Channel, and the first person to cross it six times?

A. Indian
B. Sri lankan
C. Bengali
D. Pakistani