Category Archives: General Knowledge MCQs

Past Papers General Knowledge MCQs with Answer Keys for written test preparation of all competitive exams in Pakistan, specially PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PMS, NTS, UTS, FTS, OTS, Grammar, Linguistics, synonyms, antonyms, analogies, acronyms, articles from past papers


Who Was The Childhood Friend Of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).?

A. Hazrat Ali
B. Hazrat Umar
C. Hazrat Abu Bakar
D. None

___________ Climber Has A Sudden Fall

A. Hasty
B. Mountain
C. Fall
D. None

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What is the Average Age of Elephant ?

A. 70 years
B. 20 years
C. 100 years
D. None

Who Wrote the American Independence Declaration?

A. Thomas Jefferson
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Edward second
D. None Continue reading

China New Mission Name ?

A. Chang’e 5
B. Change 7
C. Change 4
D. None

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First Digital Computer was Invented By ?

A. John Vincent Atanasoff
B. Daglus Elbert
C. Charles Babbage
D. None

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Lady finger peak is located in

A. China
B. Nepal
C. India
D. Pakistan

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CTRL+SHIFT+Right Arrow

A. Select the word in the left direction
B. Select the word in the right direction
C. Select the word from the bottom
D. All

Which is not a Ruminant Animal ?

A. Cow
B. Sheep
C. Goat
D. Horse

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Siachen Glacier Length is ?

A. 40 KM
B. 50 KM
C. 76 KM
D. 80 KM

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