Category Archives: General Knowledge MCQs

Past Papers General Knowledge MCQs with Answer Keys for written test preparation of all competitive exams in Pakistan, specially PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PMS, NTS, UTS, FTS, OTS, Grammar, Linguistics, synonyms, antonyms, analogies, acronyms, articles from past papers


Amnesty International is an organisation associated with which of the following fields?

A. Protection of Cruelty to animals
B. Environment protection
C. Protection of human rights
D. Protection of historic monuments

The Halifax summit was that of?

A. G-7 countries
B. Leaders of the NAM
C. countries in favour of a common currency for Europe
D. Palestinian and Israeli leaders

The office of the UN General Assembly is in?

A. Vienna
B. New York
C. Paris
D. Zurich

Which is principal organ of the United Nations that as virtually accomplished its object?

A. The Security Council
B. The General Assembly
C. The International Court of Justice
D. The Trusteeship Council

The headquarters of the UNESCO is at?

A. Rome
B. Geneva
C. New York
D. Paris

Which UN body deals with population problem?


Besides UK, USA, Germany and Japan the G-7 countries includes?

A. Canada, France and Russia
B. Canada, Italy and Netherlands
C. France, Netherlands and Russia
D. Canada, France and Italy

The headquarters of World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) is located in?

A. Paris
B. Madrid
C. New York
D. Geneva

SAARC is observing a decade(1991-2000) of which of the following?

A. Girl child
B. Literacy
C. Health services to rural poor
D. Shelter for all

The headquarters of Food and Agriculture Organization is in?

A. Washington
B. Paris
C. Madrid
D. Rome