Category Archives: Geography MCQs

Past Papers Geography MCQs with Answer Keys for written test preparation, and Online Test and Quiz of all competitive exams in Pakistan, specially PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PMS, NTS, UTS, FTS, OTS

When was the state Swat formally included in Pakistan?

A. 1968
B. 1969
C. 1970
D. 1971

Where is Machu Picchu located?

A. Chile
B. Peru
C. Brazil
D. Argentina

The largest ocean of the world is?

A. Atlantic Ocean
B. Pacific Ocean
C. Indian Ocean
D. Arctic Ocean

Which is the smallest sea of the world?

A. Black Sea
B. Red Sea
C. Baltic Sea
D. South China Sea

______ is the largest dam of Pakistan?

A. Tarbela
B. Mangla
C. Warsak
D. Gomal Zam

The seaport “Rotterdam” is in?

A. Belgium
B. Netherlands
C. Australia
D. None of these

Which of the following is salt water lake?

A. Hanna Lake
B. Hamun-i-Mushkhel Lake
C. Hamun-i-Lora Lake
D. All of these

Which of the following dam is considered the largest concrete dam of the world?

A. Three Gorges Dam
B. Tarbela Dam, Pakistan
C. Bhakra Dam, India
D. None of these

In which of the following Countries Atlas Mountains are found?

A. Tunisia, Libya, Algena
B. Tunisia, Libya, Egypt
C. Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco
D. None of these

The major part of Great Rift Valley is located in?

B. Africa
C. South America
D. Australia