The book ” Friends not Masters” was written by ?

A. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
B. Liaquat Ali Khan
C. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
D. General Ayoub Khan

In which of the following Act or reforms the dyarchy was abolished?


A. Minto-Morley Reforms
B. Montegu-Chelmsford Reforms
C. India Act of 1935
D. None of These

When and where did Haji Shariatullah born?

A. Faridpur 1767
B. Faridpur 1781
C. Sylhet 1767
D. Sylhet 1768


Chishti Order (Silsilah) was founded in 940 AD by ?

A. Shaikh Bahauddin Zakriya
B. Khawaja Abu Ishaq Shami
C. Shaikh Abu Al Najib
D. Shaikh Ahmed Sirhindi


When did Imam Shah Waliullah born?

A. 21 January 1703
B. 21 February 1703
C. 21 March 1703
D. 21 April 1703

The only country with which Pakistan shares a maritime border (not the land border) is ?

A. Iran
B. Oman
D. Saudi Arabia

Maulana M. Ali Jouhar wrote constitution of Muslim League, known as the ?

A. Jouhar’s Book
B. League’s Book
C. Green Book
D. None of these

When was the Historic Quaid-i-Azam Ziarat Residency was set alight in an arson attack by militants?

A. June 15, 2013
B. June 15, 2014
C. June 15, 2015
D. June 15, 2016

The “Treaty of Friendship” was signed in 1951 between?

A. Pakistan and Afghanistan
B. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia
C. Pakistan and Iran
D. Pakistan and China