Masjid Zu Qiblatain is situated in?

A. Makkah
B. Madina
C. Jabal-e-Noor
D. Taif

In IT, CAI stands for?

A. Computer Assisted Instruction
B. Computer Assisted Instrument
C. Computer Analyzer Instruction
D. Computed Assisted Instruction

In which city of USA, White house is situated?

A. Washington DC
B. Los Angeles
C. New York
D. Sans Francisco

Where statue of liberty is located?

A. Washington DC
B. Los Angeles
C. New York
D. Sans Francisco

NEC stands for?

A. National Economic Council
B. National Economic Counsel
C. Nation Economic Council
D. National Economic Committee

Beginning of Mughal empire started after defeat of ?

A. Ibrahim Lodhi
B. Momal Lodhi
C. Ranjeet Lodhi
D. None of these

To insert blank imbedded word object in Excel?

A. Click the object command on the insert menu
B. Click the link button on standard toolbar
C. Click the link button on Format Painter
D. None of these

How do you close a word document without closing Word window?

A. Click on the Close button on the title bar
B. Click on minimize button on the title bar
C. Click on the Close command on Office menu
D. Click Exit on the File menu

A candidate was selected for 6 jobs as he gave 15 interviews. What is the ratio of not selected jobs tp the number of interviews?

A. 9 :15
B. 3 : 5
C. 4 : 9
D. None of these

A man has Rs 10,000 to invest. He invests Rs 4,000 at 5% and Rs 3,500 at 4%. In order to have a yearly income of Rs 500, he must invest the remaining Rs 2,500 at what rate of invest?

A. 2%
B. 6.4%
C. 10.7%
D. 12%