The President of the Syria is

A. Bashar al-Asad
B. Abdullah Bin A-dul  Aziz
C. Hafez al-As ad
D. Hosm Mubarak

KGB was the national security agency of

A. Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
C. Syria
D. Soviet Union+

European Union consists of

A. 20 members
B. 25 members
C. 28 members
D. 30 members

The famous Red Fort situated in the Indian City of

A. Agra
B. New Delhi
C. Kolkata
D. Ahmedabad

The capital of Saudi Arabia is

A. Medina
B. Jeddah
C. Dammam
D. Riyadh

The Headquarters of IMF is located in

A. Washington D.C
B. New York City
C. London
D. Paris

Barometer is an instrument for

A. Measuring wind velocity
B. Measuring specific gravity
C. Measuring air pressure
D. None of the above

The planet of our solar system with maximum number of moons is:

A. Saturn
B. Jupiter
C. Venus
D. Mercury

Error in the computer program which makes it run incorrectly is known as

A. Virus
B. Bug
C. Scam
D. Trojan horse

Rickets is a condition of abnormal bone formation in children which is caused due to the deficiency of:

A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin D