Computer program that converts entire program into machine language at one time is called

A. Computer
B. Interpreter
C. Simulator
D. None A, B, C

Which of the following is Used as primary storage device?

A. Magnetic drum
B. Prom
C. Floppy disk
D. Ram

Which area in excel window allow for entering values and formulas

A. Title bar
B. Menu bar
C. Formula bar
D. Standard tool bar

When the formula bar is active, you can see

A. Edit formula button
B. The cancel button
C. Enter button
D. All of the A, B, C

Which button you click to add up a series of numbers

A. Formula button
B. Auto sum button
C. Quick total button
D. The total button

The output quality of dot matrix printer is measured by

A. Dot per inch
B. Dot per square inch
C. Dots printed per unit time
D. Characters per inch

The Word processing task associated with changing the appearance of document

A. Editing
B. Writing
C. Formatting
D. None A, B,

Laser printer uses

A. 9 pin head
B. Ink bottle
C. Ribbon
D. Tonner cartridge

A dumb Terminal has

A. Embedded Microprocessor
B. Extensive Memory .
C. Independent Processing Capacity
D. A Keyboard and Screen only

Which of following is directly understand by the computer without translation

A. Machine language
B. High level language
C. Assembly language
D. None of A, B, C