The octal 111010 is equal to

A. 81
B. 72
C. 71
D. 58

The computer that process both digital and analog is called

A. Digital computer
B. Analog computer
C. Hybrid computer
D. Main frame computer

Central processing unit is combination of

A. Control and storage
B. Control and output
C. Arithmetic logic and input unit
D. Arithmetic logic and control unit

WAN stand for

A. Wide area network
B. Wide array net
C. Wireless area network
D. None of A, B, C

VGA stands for

A. Visual graphic array
B. Video graphic array
C. Volatile graphic array
D. Video graphic adopter

Which of the Following is not a computer language?

A. C-Sharp
D. Quicken

A cell in excel sheet has

A. Intersection of Column and ROWS
B. A Single Value
C. Neither A or B
D. Both A and B

MS EXCELL falls in which category of the software?

A. Database
B. Word Processor
C. Spreadsheet
D. Web Browser

If you have two different printers attached to your system.

A. Single driver is sufficient
B. Two different driver will be required
C. Need to use some hardware
D. Some application software is needed

What is URL

A. Email Address
B. WEB SITE Address
C. Address of Page on WEB
D. Command used on WEB