Which file extension indicate graphic files

A. bmp and doc
C. txt and dll
D. BMP and GIF

To play music with your computer you need

A. Network card and speakers
B. Sound card and speakers
C. A CD ROM Drive
D. Nothing more than internal speakers

A computer port is used to

A. Download files from web
B. Communicate with other computer peripherals
C. Communicate with hard drive
D. Connect computers together

Which is default port of http

A. 808
B. 80
C. 20
D. None A, B, C

In order to save a word document in a web page

A. Save as Html
B. User your browser as editor
C. Save the document in simple Text
D. Put the graphics and links on document

How many margins are on a page

A. Two (header, footer)
B. Four (header, footer, left, right)
C. Two (landscape. portrait)
D. Two (top and bottom)

In order to email a document within the word

A. Save file as an email attachment
B. Go to file/send to mail /recipient
C. Start the outlook and attach
D. None of the A, 8, C

Which key moves your cursor form one cell to the next cell in a table?

A. Tab
B. Shift
C. Enter
D. Enter+

Which element of a word document can be displayed in color?

A. Only graphics
B. Only text
C. All elements
D. None A, B, C

How you can highlight the text without using mouse

A. It is impossible
B. Use the arrow key while holding Ctrl·key
C. Use F5 Key
D. Use the arrow key while holding shift key